May 1865 General Orders No. 7 — Military Division of the James — Civil Offices Responsible to Military Authorities in Immediate Postwar Richmond


May 1865 General Orders No. 7 — Military Division of the James — Civil Offices Responsible to Military Authorities in Immediate Postwar Richmond


Item No. 1611435

This printed general order is dated from Richmond, Virginia, on May 18, 1865. Under the header “Head Quarters Military Division of the James,” General Orders No. 7 clarifies the amnesty rules for surrendered rebels. “The President’s proclamation in regard to former offices of the rebel government in Virginia,” it reads, “does not apply to clerks of record-courts, sheriffs, and local magistrates retained in officer or appointed under military orders.” It further clarifies that these offices “are therefore directly responsible to the military power for their conduct and the proper performance of their duties. It states secondly that “No civil officer will be appointed or retained in office by military authority who has not voluntarily taken the oath of allegiance or who does not come within the provisions of the Amnesty Proclamation.” The order is given in the name of Major General Henry W. Halleck by his adjutant John C. Kelton.

The document measures about 5” x 8” and is in excellent condition. Lightly toned. There is a single vertical crease where it was once folded.

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